Computer Music Magazine Review“Heart-stopping harp sampling….as the creator of the seminal GigaHarp GigaStudio library, Gary Garritan knows a thing or two about sampling harps….recorded using four harps – two Salvi Pedals, two Venus Concert Grands and a Lyon & Healy.” “A set of six Dynamic and Performance controls come premapped to six MIDI CCs….excellent reverbs – algorithmic and convolution, the latter including some suitably ethereal and majestic harp-orientated presets….Activating Pedal mode brings another level of harping authenticity into play….” “Our favourite is the Lyon & Healy, but they all sound magnificient and between them cover a broad tonal spectrum. If a virutal harp is on your shopping list, put this one at the top – it’s approachable, intuitive and sonically stunning.” Computer Music – May 2013, 9/10 stars |